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About Us

Rogers, Patrick, Westbrook & Brickman

We are here to help

We love what we do because we like to help people. We are compassionate, and know that often when we work with a client, they are in a period of turmoil. They have a lot on their plate. Our job is to make their life better and to live up to their trust. That is sacred to us.

RPWB attorneys are experienced, respected and tenacious. We represent individuals, companies and governments in complicated disputes across a diverse range of practice areas. The common thread of our work is that we help those who have been wronged. We’re the ones fighting the big guy.

People tend to notice. We often lead class action lawsuits and multidistrict litigations against large corporations. Our attorneys are highly regarded by both peers and adversaries. We are a 2023 U.S. News & World Report Best Law Firm. But our most prized accolades are the thank you cards, homemade quilts and other reminders of a job well done we’ve received over the years.

Our proudest moments are when we help ordinary, hard-working Americans who have been harmed through no fault of their own. We believe in consumer protection, that people should live and work in healthy places, with safe products and all the information they need to make wise choices. Unfortunately in our world, corners are sometimes cut, intentions can be impure and people are ripped off, hurt or worse.  We want there to be less of that.

Our work matters. It benefits people who have been wronged. It makes it cost-prohibitive for the unscrupulous to try again. It sets important precedent for how the law will help future generations.

With a network of other attorneys we respect and work well with, we have the knowledge, skill and resources to work anywhere in the United States. We take cases that are challenging, involve cutting-edge areas of the law and benefit people who really need a hand. If you would like us to look at your case, give us a call or send us a message.

Three reasons to choose RPWB


We have worked together as partners and as collaborators on some of the most significant litigation in America’s history. Our attorneys possess the practical skills, legal knowledge and tenacity to ensure every client receives the very best representation possible. Our collective experience touches nearly every aspect of plaintiffs’ litigation and we have an extensive network of co-counsel, experts and investigators to take on cases regardless of location and legal jurisdiction. Our clients benefit from our experience, seasoned understanding of complicated matters and winning reputation.


Our attorneys focus on new and evolving areas of the law. The firm has put in place an advanced technological infrastructure that provides comprehensive data analysis and management. State-of-the-art presentation software provides jurors with the very best opportunity to understand our clients’ cases.


We know that holding big business accountable takes a willingness to relentlessly fight for the rights of those who have been wronged. When RPWB takes a case, the firm and all of its resources are committed to fighting for that client. Our contract of representation is our promise to put in the work necessary to bring every case to its best possible conclusion.

Our history

Rogers, Patrick, Westbrook & Brickman is a law firm with extensive experience representing plaintiffs across a diverse array of practice areas, including product liability, consumer protection and personal injury. We are frequently selected to hold leadership positions in consumer class actions and MDLs. Our attorneys are licensed to practice in 10 states and territories (CA, DC, FL, GA, MI, SC, TX, US-VI, WI & WV) as well as many federal courts throughout the country. With a network of co-counsel partners, we have the knowledge, skill and resources to investigate and litigate throughout the United States.

While we take pride in our work to help large groups of people, We have always remained committed to helping individual clients by litigating catastrophic personal injury cases, truck accidents, railroad accidents, construction defects, medical malpractice, occupational lung disease and mesothelioma claims.

RPWB was formed in 2002 by a group of attorneys who had built the reputation of being skilled, principled and tenacious. Their experience included working on the most significant litigation against what was then our nation’s biggest health crisis: tobacco use. The cases led to the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement, which has compensated states for healthcare costs and funded nationwide anti-smoking campaigns.

Tobacco wasn’t the only time we intervened in a public health crisis. Our firm’s attorneys pioneered asbestos litigation in the early 1970s when we were among the first to successfully litigate product liability claims against the manufacturers of asbestos and asbestos products. We have since helped thousands of workers throughout the country who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma and asbestosis.

RPWB’s pharmaceutical team has been named lead counsel of seven nationwide cases against drug and medical device manufacturers. They have held leadership positions in many others. Other RPWB attorneys have made names for themselves by litigating catastrophic personal injury, products liability and and consumer class action cases.

We are a law firm that is skilled and experienced enough to take on complex cases in our home state of South Carolina and beyond.

RPWB Firm Resume 2024

Our Experienced Lawyers

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