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Community Partnerships

We love our hometown

Our team is composed of individuals with many values, passions and backgrounds. This recognition is what drives the firm’s focus on community service. Whether it is painting nursing homes, donating school items for children or collecting food items for the local food bank, RPWB is committed to giving back to our community.

We support organizations that align with our firm’s mission. This includes groups that help children and the less fortunate as well as those that advance civic engagement and otherwise contribute to the strength, well-being and vibrancy of our communities.

Listed below is just a small sample of RPWB’s community service efforts.

One80 Place

RPWB has made several donations to One80 Place, an organization that serves the homeless in and around Charleston, South Carolina.

South Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault

RPWB recently contributed to SCCADVASA’s annual campaign to help bolster the legal services provided to domestic violence and sexual assault survivors.

Trident United Way Day of Caring

The firm has participated in several Trident United Way Day of Caring events. Day of Caring provides an opportunity for corporate volunteer teams to partner with schools and agencies in the Charleston area to increase community engagement. Past projects have included building a café for an elementary school, painting buildings, picking up roadside litter, and planting gardens and landscaping.

Lowcountry Food Bank

RPWB routinely participates in food drives and fundraisers benefitting the Lowcountry Food Bank. Most recently, the firm raised $5,000 during our Thanksgiving food drive.

Charleston Area Therapeutic Riding

RPWB sponsored Charleston Area Therapeutic Riding’s annual fundraising event, In the Company of Horses. The event benefits CATR’s Scholarship Program that provides therapeutic horseback riding lessons to mentally and physically disabled children and adults.

Share Our Suzy

Share Our Suzy was created by friends of Suzy McGrane, a local photographer who was diagnosed with breast cancer. The organization’s initial intention was to raise money to help with McGrane’s medical expenses. Ultimately, breast cancer claimed her life, but her friends continued Share Our Suzy to support breast cancer patients financially so that their focus may be solely on recovery. RPWB is proud to sponsor an organization that has helped so many women battling this terrible disease.

Lowcountry Orphan Relief

Each year, RPWB partners with Lowcountry Orphan Relief to gather donations for area-children, many of whom have experienced abuse and neglect.  School supplies, backpacks and uniforms are donated to ensure children of the Lowcountry are prepared to return to school.

Lung Force Walk for American Lung Association in South Carolina

Lung Cancer is the number one cancer killer of American women, but very few women see lung cancer as a threat to their health. The American Lung Association’s Lung Force initiative is working to change that and make lung cancer in women a public health priority. When Lung Force launched in 2014, RPWB was one of the first corporate sponsors to join the movement as a local sponsor of the Lung Force Run/Walk Charleston.

If you believe RPWB can help your organization, please contact us.


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