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Asbestos in South Carolina Power Plants

South Carolina Power Plants Were Filled With Asbestos

For many years, asbestos was widely used at South Carolina power plants due to its fire retardant and effective insulating qualities. While some of its uses were banned starting in the 1970s, asbestos was still used through the 1990s in products like gaskets and packing used in the thousands of pumps and valves found in power plants and other industrial facilities. Even during its phase out, the deadly asbestos fibers remained in many facilities for years until they could be remediated.

Anyone who worked in a South Carolina power plant was at risk of being exposed to asbestos. Many tradesmen came in direct contact with asbestos as a routine part of their jobs, including pipefitters, insulators, boilermakers, electricians, engineers, plumbers, welders, maintenance technicians and operators. After inhaling asbestos fibers in South Carolina power plants, some workers ultimately develop mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer in the lining of the lungs, heart, and abdomen.

RPWB has represented many former power plant workers from South Carolina and beyond who were diagnosed with mesothelioma, which can manifest even decades after asbestos exposure. We have helped asbestos victims and their families in our home state of South Carolina for more than 40 years. Our lawyers have a wealth of experience with power plants and major industrial sites in the Palmetto State, and put that knowledge to use to help families get financial compensation from the asbestos companies who caused their mesothelioma. Give us a call at 1-866-594-8765 or fill out the form on this page to begin your free case review.

Asbestos Products Used At South Carolina Power Plants

Acoustical Plaster

Power plants are hot and noisy. Acoustical plaster was used for noise reduction inside power plants. The asbestos also made it fireproof.

Asbestos Blankets & Protective Wear

Asbestos blankets were utilized to control heat and prevent fires in power plants and to protect surfaces in areas where welding was conducted. Workers were also issued asbestos aprons and gloves protect from the heat.

Asbestos Panels

Wall panels containing asbestos were used throughout power plants as to insulate and fireproof.

Asbestos Pipe and Block Insulation

Pipes all throughout power plants were commonly insulated with asbestos pipe insulation.  Asbestos block insulation was used to insulate boilers, tanks and vessels.


Large multi-story Industrial boilers were insulated with asbestos block insulation and cements.  Asbestos-containing refractory cements were also used in the fireboxes of boilers.  Various access points utilized asbestos gaskets.

Caulk & Compounds

Pastes and compounds used to repair pipes in power plants often contained asbestos to provide strength and heat resistance.


Cement with asbestos in it was used in many settings including the insulation of pipes and boilers.

Electrical Equipment

Electrical equipment and panels utilized asbestos components as electrical insulation and to prevent electrical arcing.


Asbestos gaskets were widely used on many pieces of equipment in power plants and in the miles of piping found in power plants. Some of these gaskets were still in use in the 1990s.


Asbestos packing material was used in pumps, valves and other equipment in power houses to control leaks.

South Carolina Power Plants With Asbestos

Here is a list of major South Carolina power plants that are known asbestos jobsites.

Atomic Energy Plant in Aiken, S.C.

Barnwell Nuclear Plant in Barnwell, S.C.

Canadys Power Plant in Canadys, S.C.

Catawba Nuclear Station in York, S.C.

Celanese Power Plant in Rock Hill, S.C.

Cross Generating Station in Pineville, S.C.

Fairfield pumped storage near Jenkinsville, S.C.

Florence Mill in Florence, S.C.

Hartwell Dam near Anderson, S.C.

H.B. Robinson Nuclear Generating Station in Hartsville, S.C.

International Paper Eastover near Sumter, S.C.

International Paper Georgetown Mill in Georgetown, S.C.

J. Strom Thurmond Dam (also called Clarks Hill Dam), on state border near Augusta, Ga.

Jefferies Generating Station in Moncks Corner, S.C.

Jefferies Hydroelectric Station in Moncks Corner, S.C.

Lake Jocassee Power Station near Eastatoe, S.C.

Oconee Nuclear Plant in Oconee, S.C.

Richard B. Russell Dam power plant near Calhoun Falls, S.C.

Robinson Nuclear Plant in Hartsville, S.C.

Savannah River Site (Department of Energy) in Aiken, S.C.

Sonoco Products in Hartsville, S.C.

South Carolina Electric & Gas in Moncks Corner, S.C.

South Carolina Power & Light in Georgetown, S.C.

Wateree Station in Wateree, S.C.

Williams Station in Berkeley County, S.C.

Winyah Generating Station in Georgetown County, S.C.

VC Summer Nuclear Station in Jenkinsville, S.C.

Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with mesothelioma?

RPWB attorneys have helped South Carolinians dealing with a mesothelioma diagnosis for more than 40 years. With offices in Charleston, Columbia, Aiken and Mount Pleasant, our experienced asbestos lawyers are available to meet with you at one of our offices or even in your home within just a day or so of calling. We will answer all of your questions and walk you through the process of obtaining significant compensation from all of the asbestos manufacturers who were responsible for causing the mesothelioma.

Call us today at 1-866-594-8765 or fill out the form on this page to get started.

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