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Contact Elizabeth Middleton Burke

Office: Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
Phone: 843-727-6500
Toll Free: 888-293-6883
Fax: 843-216-6509
E-mail: bburke@rpwb.com

Areas of Practice

Elizabeth Middleton Burke Member

Elizabeth Middleton Burke uses the law and science to help people injured by pharmaceutical drugs, medical devices and other medical errors.

Beth proudly advocates on behalf of consumers who rely on the pharmaceutical industry for safe and effective treatments. As a member of RPWB’s pharmaceutical and medical device team, she enjoys the challenge of investigating, organizing and litigating science-based cases for the benefit of clients who were not warned about the serious side effects they experienced.

She was born in Hartsville, South Carolina, and grew up in Lake City. As an undergrad, Beth was preparing for medical school when she decided her academic strengths were better suited for law school. She clerked for the Hon. Paula H. Thomas before beginning her career in pharmaceutical litigation at Suggs & Kelly in Columbia. She joined RPWB in 2003.

Many of the cases Beth works are on behalf of female patients who have been seriously injured by prescription medication. Pharmaceutical cases are inherently complicated and involve defendants with tremendous resources at their disposal. Beth has successfully stood up to the world’s largest corporations on behalf of consumers throughout the country.

In addition to pharmaceutical cases, Beth also accepts medical device, medical malpractice, product liability and catastrophic personal injury cases.

She is active with the Southern Trial Lawyers Association and American Association for Justice, where she currently chairs the Republican Trial Lawyers Caucus and the State Delegates. Beth serves as a Trustee of the College of Charleston, her beloved alma mater.

Elizabeth Middleton Burke

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