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Contact Thomas D. Rogers

Office: Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
Phone: 843-727-6521
Toll Free: 888-293-6883
Fax: 843-216-6509
E-mail: trogers@rpwb.com

Areas of Practice

  • Tepezza Hearing Loss Lawsuit
  • EzriCare & Delsam Pharma Eye Drops Lawsuit
  • Chemical Hair Straightener Cancer Lawsuits
  • Gardasil HPV Vaccine Lawsuit
  • Talcum Powder Ovarian Cancer Lawsuits
  • Combat Arms Ear Plugs Settlement
  • Defective Medical Products
  • Drug Injury
  • Pharmaceutical Drugs & Medical Devices
  • Talcum Powder Lawsuits
  • Medical Malpractice & Pharmacy Liability
  • Ethicon Hernia Mesh Lawsuits

Thomas D. Rogers Member

Thomas Rogers is a founding member of RPWB’s pharmaceutical team who has worked for decades to help people hurt by dangerous drugs and medical devices.

Born in Savannah, Ga., Rogers grew up in Northern Virginia and is a distinguished graduate of the University of Virginia and the University of South Carolina School of Law.

He began clerking for RPWB’s predecessor firm, Blatt & Fales, during his second year of law school. After graduation he clerked for the Honorable Sol Blatt, Jr. in U.S. District Court for two years before rejoining Blatt & Fales as an attorney. Rogers spent the early part of his career working on our firm’s pioneering asbestos work and medical malpractice cases.

By 1990, his focus began to shift to pharmaceutical work when a high concentration of people in the upstate of South Carolina began developing eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS) after taking L-tryptophan made by a large Japanese manufacturer. Thousands of cases across the United States were consolidated in South Carolina, and Rogers served as Plaintiff’s Liaison Counsel. About 2,000 plaintiffs received settlements totaling $1 billion.

Since then, Rogers has led the efforts to build product liability cases against pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers by serving in leadership positions on seven national drug and medical device lawsuits. He is a strong advocate for those who were not warned of serious side effects.

Rogers is married to Vicki, his wife of more than 30 years. In his spare time, he enjoys playing the piano.

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