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Class Actions

Bringing justice to groups of plaintiffs who have been wronged

Class actions are a powerful tool for redressing systematic civil wrongs, including corporate misconduct, consumer or business fraud and discrimination. Because class claims typically involve financial losses that are too small to bring as individual cases, state and federal statutes generally allow for such claims to be aggregated and for the class representatives to pursue relief for all class members.

We are proud of our efforts to serve as an important check to unbridled capitalism and to bring justice that quite simply cannot be achieved by an individual plaintiff due to the inherent power differential between a single person and the world’s largest corporations.

Recovering damages is our business

Since the firm’s inception, RPWB class action attorneys have assisted class members in recovering impressive verdicts and settlements. The firm has represented and continues to represent thousands of consumers in various state and federal court class actions throughout the nation.

A list of some of our notable class counsel work can be found here.


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