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Gas Can Explosions

Gas can manufacturers are resisting a 5 cent part that could save lives.

RPWB attorneys have represented 55 victims of gas can explosions and have recovered $100 million from gas can manufacturers and the retailers who continue to sell the dangerous products.

We are currently working on gas can explosion lawsuits involving the following products:

  • Blitz Gas Cans
  • Scepter Gas Cans
  • Midwest Can
  • Wedco Gas Cans

If you were burned while using any of these gas cans, please contact us so we can explain your legal rights and the potential for compensation to help cover medical costs, lost wages and the pain and suffering you endured.

The problem with all of these gas cans is that they don’t include a safety part called a flame arrestor, which is a small plastic or metal part that prevents flames from spreading into the can. Without the small pieces of mesh or discs with holes, flames are able to ignite the gasoline and gas vapors inside of the can, causing more significant injuries and more fatalities.[1]

The National Consumer Safety Council issued a statement in November 2013 for flame arrestors to be added to all gas cans, yet many manufacturers still have not put the inexpensive parts in the gas cans sold on shelves throughout the United States.

RPWB attorneys have a long history of helping burn victims. We have represented many people who were burned or killed by defective products, including gas cans, deep fryers and gas grills. We are a 2020 U.S. News & World Report Best Law Firm[2] and are one of the top product liability law firms in the country. [3]

If you or a loved one was hurt by an exploding gas can, please contact us without delay.

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