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Grand Jury Investigations

When the Grand Jury calls, you need experienced legal counsel

For an individual or entity, there is no more consequential a legal process then a federal or state grand jury investigation. It is a critical period of time for a person who finds themselves in the position of being a target or subject of a grand jury. Criminal liability may increase or be mitigated depending upon how this process is navigated.

Grand juries have broad investigative powers, including the ability to subpoena documents and/or witnesses before them. Whether responding to a grand jury subpoena for documents or testimony, how the process is handled will impact whether charges are ultimately sought.

The laws and rules surrounding grand jury investigations are complex and difficult to navigate. Engaging an attorney who is familiar with grand jury investigations is of monumental importance during this critical stage of a criminal investigation.

If you or your business receive a grand jury subpoena or target letter, contact RPWB to represent your interests and rights through the grand jury process.

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