

Living in the era of the third wave of asbestos exposure

Think asbestos exposure is a thing of the past? Think again. It may seem like common sense — this material is extremely dangerous, we know this material is linked to various forms of extremely deadly cancers — so why is asbestos exposure still an issue? Unfortunately the answer is not a simple one. Asbestos is a product […]


Immunotherapy drug may help treat relapsed mesothelioma

Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare and aggressive form of cancer that is caused by asbestos exposure. Chemotherapy is usually administered to patients, but nearly all will relapse – most within six months following treatment. A promising new treatment for patients who have relapsed involves the use of immunotherapy. A clinical trial involving 125 patients with […]


Understanding Asbestos Exposure

Mesothelioma is a particularly aggressive and deadly form of cancer. It attacks the surface layers of the lungs, stomach, and other internal organs. Approximately 3,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed in the United States every year. Every single one of these cases is caused by the same risk factor: exposure to asbestos. What is Asbestos? […]


RPWB a top firm for asbestos cases, other toxic torts

CHARLESTON, SC – An international law firm ranking service has named Richardson, Patrick, Westbrook & Brickman as one of the six top firms in the United States for toxic tort litigation. RPWB was listed in the product liability, mass tort and class action: toxic tort – plaintiff category. The Legal 500 highlighted the firm’s well-regarded asbestos […]


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