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Talcum Powder Mesothelioma Lawsuits

Mesothelioma caused by asbestos in Baby Powder

Johnson & Johnson has known for decades that its talcum powder and baby powder can be contaminated with asbestos, the carcinogenic mineral that causes mesothelioma. Yet it has repeatedly hid the testing and downplayed the asbestos risk in its products.

In nature, talcum and asbestos are often found near one another in geologic formations. During the talc mining process, there is always the possibility of asbestos contamination, but only a tiny fraction of talcum powder is tested for asbestos.[1]

Asbestos in talcum powder or baby powder is especially problematic due to the fact that it is easy to breathe in the powder during use. If the powder contains asbestos, it can put people’s lives at risk. Asbestos can cause pleural mesothelioma, a deadly cancer in the lining of the lungs. Asbestos also causes peritoneal mesothelioma in the lining of the abdomen, pericardial mesothelioma in the lining of the heart and testicular mesothelioma.

Johnson & Johnson under fire for asbestos in its talcum powder

While Johnson & Johnson has steadfastly denied that its products have contained asbestos, an investigation by Reuters and its review of evidence used in mesothelioma lawsuits found that J&J knew from at least 1971 through the early 2000s that its popular baby powder and talcum powder products at least periodically contained deadly asbestos. [2] In fact, the earliest mentions that the J&J’s talcum powder may be contaminated with asbestos came in 1957. Testing of old bottles of talcum powder found in people’s homes, on eBay and even in the Johnson & Johnson corporate headquarters by labs hired by attorneys have turned up varying amounts of asbestos.

In a 2019 paper published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, researchers presented the case studies of 33 mesothelioma patients whose only substantial exposure to asbestos was through the use of talcum powder. Of the 33 patients,  six individuals underwent tissue testing that showed fibers consistent with the type of asbestos found in cosmetic talc, but not in other common asbestos products like building supplies and insulation.[6]

What to do if you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma

RPWB attorneys have spent their careers helping mesothelioma victims and their loved one receive compensation from companies that put their lives at risk. This includes men and women who developed mesothelioma as a result of using asbestos-contaminated products such as Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder and their other talcum powder products like Shower to Shower.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, we encourage you to contact us for a free- no obligation case review. Our lawyers represent people who have developed mesothelioma throughout the country, including those who were exposed to asbestos in Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder and its other talcum powder products like Shower to Shower.

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      FAQs About Mesothelioma And Asbestos Claims

      If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos disease, you probably have many questions. At Rogers, Patrick, Westbrook & Brickman, we are here to help you find answers.

      Our lawyers have been advocating for the rights of asbestos victims and their families since the 1970s. We want to be your legal counselors and your guides during this difficult time. To discuss your situation in detail, please call us at 1-866-594-8765 to be connected directly with an asbestos attorney. Consultations are free.

      I Have Heard About Class Action Suits. Am I Part Of A Class Or Can I Sue As An Individual?

      Mesothelioma cases are not particularly suited to class action treatment because each mesothelioma case is different. We believe that all mesothelioma cases are unique. Your case will be handled on an individual basis.

      I Have Been Diagnosed With Mesothelioma, But Do Not Know When Or How I Was Exposed To Asbestos. Do I Need A Lawyer?

      Yes. You need to speak to an attorney. The only known cause of mesothelioma is asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma victims are entitled to compensation from the companies that made the products to which they were exposed.

      • An attorney will help you sort through the thousands of products that contained asbestos to determine how you may have been exposed and who made the products that may have exposed you.
      • Mesothelioma can take decades to manifest itself and many times victims may have difficulty determining when, where and how they were exposed. A skilled attorney can help guide you through this process.
      • Obtaining compensation from asbestos companies can be a difficult, complex and time-consuming process. You need an advocate willing to fight for what is right for you and your family.

      How Much Will A Lawsuit Cost?

      Your initial consultation is free. If you have a case, our fee is based on a percentage of the compensation we obtain for you. Our fees are charged on a contingency basis. If we do not prevail, you owe us no attorney’s fee. The risk is ours.

      How Long Will My Case Last?

      No two cases are alike and the time it takes to resolve a case can vary based on a number of factors including:

      • The state where the case is filed
      • The case’s complexity
      • Items of contention

      A typical case may take anywhere from one to three years to reach trial.

      What Can I Expect In A Verdict Or Settlement?

      Settlement values and jury verdicts vary widely depending on many facts. There is no way to predict at the outset the total value of your case. Generally, mesothelioma cases have settlement or verdict values ranging from several hundred thousand dollars to several million dollars, depending on the facts of each case.

      A Loved One Recently Passed Away From Mesothelioma. Is It Too Late To Seek Compensation?

      Not necessarily. In most states, there is a statute of limitations that governs how long a person has to file a lawsuit. That time varies from state to state and can be as little as one year in some states. Lawsuits not filed in a timely fashion may be barred. This is another reason it is important to consult an attorney immediately.

      My Prognosis Is Poor. If I Cannot Come To Court, Will The Case Go On?

      The simple answer is yes. If you are unable to appear at trial, we will videotape your testimony to show the jury. Should you become incapacitated or unable to participate in the case, your family can continue the case.

      Do You Represent People From My State?

      Yes. We have represented mesothelioma victims and their families across the country as counsel or co-counsel, depending on the state. We have developed a national network of co-counsel and can work with you regardless of your geographic location. We have successfully represented individuals in more than 30 states, plus the U.S. Virgin Islands.

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          What To Expect

          Because of its heat and fire-resistant properties and its cost-effectiveness, asbestos became widely used in commercial and consumer products throughout the United States. Asbestos is now known to cause serious and deadly cancer and other illnesses in those who inhale or ingest asbestos dust or fibers.

          The unfortunate truth is that many factory owners and asbestos manufacturers were aware of the danger to people working with their asbestos products risks. Although the dangers of asbestos were known to product manufacturers and industry in the early 1900’s, they failed to warn those who worked with and around asbestos about those dangers so workers could protect themselves and their families. The dangers of asbestos were not widely publicized until the 1970s.

          If you or a loved one suffers from mesothelioma, you have the right to file a lawsuit against the companies responsible for the asbestos exposure that caused your illness. The decision whether to pursue your legal rights must be made quickly. Statutes of limitations in each state limit the time frame in which you can take legal action.

          The time window to file varies by state, so do not delay seeking legal advice. For instance, the statute of limitations in South Carolina is three years from the date of diagnosis or when the diagnosis should have been made.

          Filing A Lawsuit

          If you suffer from an asbestos-related illness, you may file a lawsuit against the parties responsible for your asbestos exposure. Family members or loved ones may file a suit on behalf of a victim. Asbestos lawsuits often target the following parties:

          • Asbestos manufacturers
          • Asbestos installers
          • Employers
          • Landlords
          • Leasing agents

          Proving Your Case

          Many people who have a mesothelioma diagnosis know they were exposed at work. However, determining who manufactured the asbestos can be a challenge. At Richardson, Patrick, Westbrook & Brickman, our attorneys have paved the way in asbestos litigation. We know, based on our experience, the most common products used in various work industries and we have a vast knowledge of job sites throughout the United States. Through investigation, we are able to identify the responsible parties. Then we hold them liable.

          Once your attorney has a clear understanding of your case, he or she files a complaint against the responsible parties. Filing a complaint document in court initiates a lawsuit. The document details the facts of your case and the compensation you seek. Defendants have approximately 30 to 45 days to respond.

          The purpose of an asbestos lawsuit is to recover the financial losses that can result from asbestos-related illnesses and to punish asbestos manufacturers and employers for knowingly exposing workers and the public to this dangerous product.

          Will I Have To Go To Trial?

          Your case will be resolved either through a jury trial or through a settlement with the responsible defendants. There are always risks associated with trial and many asbestos cases settle out of court just before trial.

          A settlement is an agreement to resolve the case for a monetary amount agreed to by both sides. Some lawsuits proceed to trial, where a jury decides whether the companies are liable for injuries arising from exposure to their products. If the jury finds liability, it then sets the damages you receive.

          At RPWB, we adjust our approach to reflect the wishes of our clients. When it comes to trial or settlement, we will help you make the best decision for you and your family.

          Call 1-866-594-8765 For More Information

          For more information about asbestos lawsuits, contact RPWB. We offer free consultations and handle cases on a contingency basis — we won’t charge you until we obtain compensation for you through a verdict or settlement. To speak with one of our lawyers, call 866-594-8765 or contact our firm online.

          We represent asbestos victims throughout the nation and will come to you, often just a day or two after you contact us. Our offices are located in Aiken, Charleston, Columbia, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.

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              Selecting Your Lawyer

              Selecting Your Mesothelioma Lawyer

              When you hire Rogers, Patrick, Westbrook & Brickman, you are sending asbestos manufacturers a clear message: Their wrongful acts will not be ignored, and they will compensate you for the disease they caused.

              Since the early 1970s, we have been holding asbestos companies liable for the damage their products have caused. Our lawyers have been involved in some of the most complex and important asbestos litigation in the country. We are committed to helping people like you get the compensation you and your family deserve.

              Choose A Nationally Recognized Law Firm You Can Trust

              The selection of an attorney is a very serious matter and one of the most important steps in the protection of your legal rights. When choosing an attorney, you should be certain that your legal team has skill and experience that relates directly to your case — and is dedicated to you and your family.

              We know that after being taken advantage of by the asbestos industry, it can be hard to trust anyone. At RPWB, we want to assure you that we are on your side. We will always act in your best interests and only after we consult with you. Our only goal when handling your case is to help you obtain justice and compensation for the harm that was done to you.

              While television and radio advertisements can make it seem as if obtaining compensation for asbestos exposure is a simple process, that is far from true. Mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases can take decades to manifest. After getting a diagnosis, you still have to determine how you were exposed and the manufacturers involved. This takes an extraordinary amount of research and legal skill. That is why it is so important to select a reputable law firm with the resources to build your case.

              Our firm has a proven record of success. We are nationally recognized as leaders in the field. Our lawyers have helped thousands of people suffering from mesothelioma throughout the United States achieve financial stability for their loved ones. When you and your family need compassionate legal professionals to fight for you, turn to our respected, nationally recognized asbestos litigation team.

              Learn More About Your Options

              At RPWB, we will never pressure you to take a legal path you are uncomfortable with. Many of our clients don’t want to spend what may be their final days in court. We understand. We will work with you to choose the path that is right for you and your family. Contact us today at 1-866-594-8765 to discuss your legal rights and options in detail. No matter what path we choose, pursuing your rights will cost you nothing unless we are successful. We handle all our cases on a contingency fee basis — you won’t owe us anything until we’ve obtained compensation for you.

              We have four offices in South Carolina — Charleston, Mount Pleasant, Aiken, and Columbia — as well as an office in Edwardsville, Illinois, and our lawyers take cases across the U.S.

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                  Asbestos Exposure

                  Asbestos Exposure: A Preventable Hazard

                  If you or a loved one was recently diagnosed with mesothelioma, you are not alone. Approximately 3,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed in the U.S. every year. The cause of the disease is always asbestos exposure.

                  At Richardson, Patrick, Westbrook & Brickman, our lawyers have dedicated their careers to helping asbestos exposure victims bring asbestos companies to justice and get the compensation they need to lay a sound financial foundation for their families.

                  What Is Asbestos And How Was It Used?

                  Asbestos refers to a group of naturally occuring fibrous minerals. Asbestos fibers are too small to be seen without the aid of a microscope. Asbestos fibers can be inhaled or swallowed by people who are not even aware they have come into contact with it.

                  The unique chemical properties of asbestos make it durable, lightweight and resistant to heat and chemicals. Because of these properties, asbestos was incorporated into a wide variety of industrial and commercial products including insulation, fireproofing, refractory and insulating cements, drywall joint compound, gaskets, automotive brakes and clutches, roofing materials and many others. These products were used in a variety of industrial settings such as chemical plants, oil refineries, shipyards, paper mills and textile mills. Unfortunately, asbestos also causes mesothelioma, an aggressive type of cancer, along with other respiratory conditions.

                  Asbestos exposure doesn’t just impact those who handled or worked with the products. People who were exposed to asbestos at work may have inadvertently endangered their family members. It’s easy to bring these particles home on clothing, hair and work supplies without even realizing it, thus exposing anyone with whom they come into contact.

                  If you worked at a jobsite where asbestos products were used, you or your loved ones may be at risk of developing mesothelioma. Read more about known asbestos sites in South Carolina.

                  Asbestos Manufacturers Knew How Dangerous Their Product Was, But Kept Quiet

                  Working to support a family shouldn’t require you to put your health at risk. Unfortunately, that was the case for many people.

                  Although many companies that used asbestos knew about the harm caused by asbestos exposure for years, they chose to keep it a secret from the American public for fear of being required to compensate former workers. That was cowardly and it was wrong. We are proud to hold them liable for putting profits above lives.

                  If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, mesothelioma or another disease caused by exposure to asbestos or asbestos products, you have legal rights. Richardson, Patrick, Westbrook & Brickman will help you hold those who caused your illness accountable for their bad acts and fight to get you the compensation you need and deserve.

                  We Will Help You Get Justice And Compensation

                  At Richardson, Patrick, Westbrook & Brickman, we have helped thousands of mesothelioma victims in their fight for rightful compensation. Our lawyers have extensive experience identifying asbestos exposure and have a respected network of experts who can provide valuable insight about the exposure and its impact on your life. We can help you.

                  To schedule a free consultation, call us at 1-866-594-8765 or contact us online. We have offices in Charleston, Mount Pleasant, Aiken, Columbia and Barnwell, South Carolina, and in Edwardsville, Illinois. If you work with us, your case will be handled on a contingency basis — you won’t pay any fees until we obtain compensation on your behalf.

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                      What Is Mesothelioma?

                      Mesothelioma is a rare cancer. The only known cause of mesothelioma in the United States is asbestos exposure. This cancer attacks the tissue surrounding the lungs, chest, heart and abdomen, each of which is made up of mesothelial cells. Asbestos fibers lodge in the lung tissue of people exposed to asbestos and, over time, can cause cellular changes that may eventually lead to the development of mesothelioma.

                      Mesothelioma can occur in individuals with remote and brief asbestos exposure as well as those with significant long-term exposure to asbestos, and it often develops decades after the exposure to asbestos occurs. As a result, misdiagnosis and delayed treatment are common.

                      At Rogers, Patrick, Westbrook & Brickman, our attorneys have dedicated their careers to advocating for asbestos victims. Our lawyers were some of the first in the country to hold manufacturers liable for mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases. We understand the pain you and your family are going through, and we are here to help. Together, we will stand up to asbestos manufacturers.

                      There Are Three Types Of Mesothelioma

                      There are three types of mesothelioma, each affecting different parts of the body:

                      • Pleural mesotheliomaThis is the most common form of mesothelioma and affects the pleural sac surrounding the lungs. Symptoms of pleural mesothelioma typically include shortness of breath, fever, rasping, coughing up blood, difficulty swallowing and weight loss.
                      • Peritoneal mesotheliomaThis form of mesothelioma affects the membrane that supports and covers the organs of the abdomen and can result in aggressive tumors. Symptoms include stomach pain, abdominal swelling, weight loss, nausea, weakness, loss of appetite and other issues.
                      • Pericardial mesotheliomaThis is the rarest form of mesothelioma. It occurs when asbestos fibers pass into the bloodstream and enter the membrane that surrounds and protects the heart. Common symptoms include shortness of breath, heart palpitations and chest pains.

                      While there is presently no cure for mesothelioma, treatment options are available. Depending on your diagnosis, surgery may be an option to remove tumors and slow the progression of the disease. Chemotherapy and radiation treatments can help relieve symptoms and extend life expectancy.

                      You Have Legal Rights; We Will Help You Enforce Them

                      From our five South Carolina offices — Charleston, Mount Pleasant, Aiken, Columbia and Barnwell — we help individuals and their families bring legal claims that secure financial stability for their loved ones. To learn more about your legal options, call our firm at 1-866-594-8765 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.

                      We handle mesothelioma claims on a contingency basis — you don’t pay us anything until we secure compensation for you.

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                          Mesothelioma Lawyers

                          Mesothelioma Claim Lawyers Serving The U.S. For More Than 40 Years

                          RPWB's mesothelioma lawyer team

                          Respected mesothelioma attorneys serving asbestos victims nationwide

                          RPWB’s mesothelioma lawyers have helped asbestos victims since 1976 when we were among the first in the country to successfully hold asbestos companies liable for causing mesothelioma. For 40 years, our mesothelioma lawyers have helped asbestos victims in nearly every U.S. state and territory.

                          Our mesothelioma lawyers have extensive experience working on cases involving all types of asbestos products and have amassed a wealth of knowledge about the specific products used at major job sites around the country. In addition to highly-qualified asbestos lawyers, RPWB works with many of the leading medical and occupational experts needed to build the strongest case possible on your behalf.

                          When a person is diagnosed with mesothelioma, difficult decisions about treatment and the future must be made. Our compassionate and knowledgeable staff stands with you as your legal counselors and advisers during this journey. We will help you and your family through this very difficult chapter of your life as we gather information about your mesothelioma diagnosis, determine who is responsible for the asbestos products that caused it and handle your legal claims from start to finish. In most cases, our mesothelioma lawyers are available to meet with you in the comfort of your home anywhere in the United States within just a day or two. We will give you the cell phone of the attorneys working on your case and will provide consistent communication and legal help designed to maximize your compensation.

                          Why you should choose our mesothelioma lawyers

                          When we take your case, you are not just a number to us. Your case won’t be handed off to a junior lawyer. A partner in the firm who has worked on asbestos cases for decades will personally work on your case. You will get to know our very experienced asbestos lawyers and their professional and compassionate staff as we build the strongest possible mesothelioma case on your behalf. You will have our cell phone numbers and can contact us at anytime.

                          US News & World Report lists RPWB a 2023 Best Law Firm.[1] Sixteen of our attorneys were named to the 2022 Best Lawyers in America list, making us the top-rated product liability and mass tort law firm in South Carolina.[2]  For the past five years, The Legal 500 has named RPWB as one of the top six law firms in the United States for asbestos litigation and other toxic torts.[3] Many of our attorneys have been recognized by Super Lawyers as being among the best in their practice areas.

                          RPWB is a national plaintiff law firm with four locations in South Carolina: Charleston, Mount Pleasant, Columbia and Aiken. We serve asbestos victims throughout the United States by coming to you in your time of need rather than having you come to one of our offices.

                          The backbone of our firm is helping mesothelioma victims during their greatest time of need. Since 1976, RPWB attorneys have helped thousands of people diagnosed with mesothelioma and other asbestos cancers in nearly every U.S state and territory. We take pride in helping hard-working Americans with aggressive representation and compassionate care. Our clients are not numbers to us. We relish the personal relationships we forge with asbestos victims and their families following a mesothelioma diagnosis.

                          Please contact us to begin your free, no-risk case review. We are confident you will see the advantages of hiring a ‘tried and true’ mesothelioma law firm.

                          For more information about our lawyers’ experience and qualifications, please refer to their individual biographies linked below.

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                              Pericardial Mesothelioma

                              Information About Pericardial Mesothelioma

                              Pericardial mesothelioma is an asbestos cancer that develops in the lining of the heart. It causes inflammation of the heart, palpitations and other heart function irregularities. Pericardial mesothelioma is quite rare and accounts for less than 1 percent of all mesothelioma cases each year. [1]

                              Symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma include:[2]

                              • Shortness of breath
                              • Chest pain
                              • Heart Palpitations
                              • Fluid in the pericardial space
                              • Persistent cough

                              The prognosis for pericardial mesothelioma patients is generally poor, with survival after diagnosis ranging from six weeks to 15 months.[3]  Pericardial mesothelioma responds quite poorly to radiation. Chemotherapy may reduce the tumor size and surgery is sometimes able to remove the cancerous cells. A pericardiectomy to remove the heart lining can be performed in order to improve the patient’s quality of life.

                              Because it can take decades for symptoms to manifest, pericardial mesothelioma is typically diagnosed at a late stage. It can only be diagnosed via a surgical biopsy.

                              People diagnosed with pericardial mesothelioma should contact an asbestos attorney without delay. They may be entitled to compensation from the manufacturers of asbestos products or their former employers.

                              Our attorneys have been helping asbestos victims get the financial resources they deserve for being diagnosed with mesothelioma. In fact, our attorneys were among the first in the country to successfully hold asbestos manufacturers liable for the health problems they caused.

                              Being diagnosed with pericardial mesothelioma means you have to make many difficult and important decisions in a short period of time. Our lawyers will meet with you at your home to discuss your options, legal rights and the process to obtain compensation. Start your claim today with a free, no-obligation case review to get answers to the questions you have.

                              RPWB is a nationally recognized asbestos and mesothelioma law firm. US News & World Report lists us a 2020 Best Law Firm.[4] Twelve of our attorneys were named to the 2020 Best Lawyers in America list, making us the top-rated mass tort law firm in the country as well as the top-ranked product liability firm South Carolina a.[5]  For the past five years, The Legal 500 has named RPWB as one of the top six law firms in the United States for asbestos litigation and other toxic torts.[6] Many of our attorneys have been recognized by Super Lawyers as being among the best in their practice areas. Our experience and track record is so well established that we serve as national trial counsel for other law firms’ asbestos and mesothelioma cases.

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                                  Peritoneal Mesothelioma

                                  Information About Peritoneal Mesothelioma

                                  Peritoneal mesothelioma is a rare form of asbestos cancer that forms in the lining of the abdomen, which is called the peritoneum. Peritoneal mesothelioma accounts for up to 30 percent of all mesothelioma diagnoses.[1]

                                  Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma often do not present themselves for decades following asbestos exposure. They all relate to the retention of fluids in the abdomen and to the expansion of the tumor. The symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include:[2]

                                  • Abdominal swelling
                                  • Weight loss and loss of appetite
                                  • Elevated white blood count

                                  Because the symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma take a long time to manifest and are common to other diseases and conditions, the diagnosis of peritoneal mesothelioma often takes place when the cancer is already at an advanced stage.[3] The only way to diagnose peritoneal mesothelioma is through a surgical biopsy. Treatment options include radiation, chemotherapy and surgery to remove the tumor. These options do not always produce favorable outcomes for the patient, and many families ultimately decide on palliative care to maximize the patient’s quality of life.

                                  The average survival rate from diagnosis is 10 months and just 16 percent of patients are still alive after five years.[4]

                                  After receiving a mesothelioma diagnosis, families must make a number of medical and legal decisions in rapid succession. For over 40 years, our asbestos lawyers have helped mesothelioma patients pursue compensation from asbestos manufacturers and employers. In fact, our attorneys were some of the first in the country to successfully pursue mesothelioma lawsuits.

                                  We stand ready to help you secure compensation for your mesothelioma diagnosis. We will begin with a free, no-obligation consultation and will walk you through your rights and the process for seeking compensation. We know the impact a mesothelioma diagnosis has on your life and will travel to meet you wherever you would like. Contact us to begin the process without delay.

                                  RPWB is a nationally recognized asbestos and mesothelioma law firm. US News & World Report lists us a 2020 Best Law Firm.[5] Twelve of our attorneys were named to the 2020 Best Lawyers in America list, making us the top-rated mass tort law firm in the country as well as the top-ranked product liability firm South Carolina.[6]  For the past five years, The Legal 500 has named RPWB as one of the top six law firms in the United States for asbestos litigation and other toxic torts.[7] Many of our attorneys have been recognized by Super Lawyers as being among the best in their practice areas. Our experience is so well established that we serve as national trial counsel for other law firms’ asbestos and mesothelioma cases.

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                                      Pleural Mesothelioma

                                      Pleural Mesothelioma Information

                                      Pleural mesothelioma, asbestos cancer of the lungs, makes up three-quarters of all mesothelioma cases.

                                      Asbestos fibers are microscopic, long and thin, which enables them to slip past many of the body’s defense mechanisms designed to keep foreign substances from making it into the lungs.[1] The fibers become lodged in the alveoli in the lungs, where the oxygen is added to the bloodstream and carbon dioxide is removed. The asbestos fibers cause scarring called pleural thickening and sometimes can develop into cancerous mesothelioma tumors.

                                      Pleural mesothelioma symptoms include difficulty breathing, chest pain and reoccurring fluid in the lungs.

                                      Pleural mesothelioma can only be diagnosed by a surgical biopsy of the tumor. Standard treatment options include radiation, chemotherapy, surgery and targeted therapy if the cancer is caught early enough.[2] If it is not caught early, patients may benefit from palliative care to make their time left more comfortable.

                                      Because pleural mesothelioma symptoms take so long to manifest (sometimes up to 50 years) and are similar to those presented by other diseases and illnesses, diagnosis is unfortunately often made after the cancer has progressed to advanced stages.

                                      The American Cancer Society tracks survival rates for malignant pleural mesothelioma:[3]

                                      • For stage IA cancers, the 2-year survival rate is about 46%, and the 5-year survival rate is about 16%.
                                      • For stage IB cancers, the 2-year survival rate is about 41%, and the 5-year survival rate is about 13%.
                                      • For stage II cancers, the 2-year survival rate is about 38%, and the 5-year survival rate is about 10%.
                                      • For stage IIIA cancers, the 2-year survival rate is about 30%, and the 5-year survival rate is about 8%.
                                      • For stage IIIB cancers, the 2-year survival rate is about 26%, and the 5-year survival rate is about 5%.
                                      • For stage IV cancers, the 2-year survival rate is about 17%, and the 5-year survival rate is less than 1%.

                                      It is important for people diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma to quickly seek the assistance of an asbestos lawyer. RPWB attorneys were some of the first in the country to successfully hold asbestos manufacturers accountable for the mesothelioma they caused. We have been helping asbestos victims for more than 40 years. Because we understand the toll mesothelioma takes on a family, our asbestos attorneys will travel to you to explain the process and begin identifying the products you were exposed to. Contact us today to begin the process of obtaining compensation for this terrible disease.

                                      RPWB is a nationally recognized asbestos and mesothelioma law firm. US News & World Report lists us a 2020 Best Law Firm.[4] Twelve of our attorneys were named to the 2020 Best Lawyers in America list, making us the top-rated mass tort law firm in the country as well as the top-ranked product liability firm South Carolina a.[5] For the past five years, The Legal 500 has named RPWB as one of the top six law firms in the United States for asbestos litigation and other toxic torts.[6] Many of our attorneys have been recognized by Super Lawyers as being among the best in their practice areas. Our experience is so well established that we serve as national trial counsel for other law firms’ asbestos and mesothelioma cases.

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